• Free Consultation

    This is a 15-minute discovery call where we discuss your goals or reasons for seeking nutritional therapy and how I can help. We can schedule an initial session at this time or you can book an initial session at a later time if you decide it’s right for you.

    Contact us to get started 
  • a holistic health therapist reviewing forms during an initial session

    Initial Session

    This session is approximately 60 minutes. This session is to discuss and document goals, concerns, dietary restrictions, medical history, lab work, and other components that I will need to analyze in order to establish a well suited program for you. We will fill out forms together at this time, and you will be provided with food journals and evaluations and/or questionnaires to fill out for the follow-up session.

  • Follow-up Session

    This session is approximately 30 minutes. This session is focused on reviewing your food journals and questionnaires, and to discuss any added goals or concerns you discover during the time spent on filling out forms.

  • Comprehensive Analysis Session

    This session is approximately 90 minutes. I will present you with a comprehensive analysis of your diet, nutrition, and lifestyle along with your customized plan that includes recommendations that will help you reach your goals.

  • Check-in Sessions

    Check-in sessions are 30 minutes and can be weekly, biweekly or monthly. These can be scheduled in advance or you can book them at any time to discuss progress or adjust a plan.

  • Expert Advice Session

    Want advice or a recommendation on a single wellness issue without a commitment? This is the session for you. This session includes a single 30-minute call with expert advice and recommendation to try. This session does not include a customized plan or follow up.

    Contact us to book this session 

Holistic health and nutrition

Natural Health and Wellness


15-min discovery call: Free

Plan fee: Varied based on goals

  • Plan fee includes the initial session, follow-up session, comprehensive session, and one check-in session.

  • Total plan fees are dependent on the complexity of goals established during the initial consultation and can change based on additional goals or concerns addressed during the follow-up session. The fee accounts for the one-on-one sessions as well as the hours of time spent performing a comprehensive analysis of all components and establishing a customized nutrition and lifestyle plan for you.

Check-in sessions: $75

Expert Advice Session: $150

*Services are not covered by insurance.

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